It was great to see that the Reincarnation series is back again after a long while. However this remaster honestly just doesn't feel right.
First of all, having to hold down the mouse to do a "multi choice" mechanic I feel is unnecessary and just makes the experience slow, since having to talk to an person is irrelevant to the gameplay (also considering that in the story as a demon, you shouldn't be seen anyway). And moving the demon to a different area by clicking is pointless (at least for this game)
Overall, having to interact with objects is made unnecessarily "complex", and not only that, 'Pandora's box' just makes accessing the objects you collect feel like a chore. (at least for me, I was always used to the sidebar that has the items already set to be in use. I'd understand it more in a future game when you have to collect many objects or something)
And just one last thing, the cutscenes feel a bit slower than I remembered. (This is just probably me tho)